Friday, November 23, 2012

Being a Good Citizen

What would say constitutes being a good citizen?

I felt like I was from Florida more than others because I was.

I wish I knew adults from Florida.  I just knew that my aunt's husband is from Miami, and his parents are from I think Cleveland.

I don't really hang onto and publicize my parents.  I grew up most strongly as a person, with roots as a younger girl, but also with more a stake in the oldest continuing city in the U.S., which is Hispanic and not Polish I think... not English..., and the New Orleans area, where I was foreign and didn't agree and abhorred it culturally and felt bad in it anyway.  I totally was different just arriving.  All my accomplishment.  It was just inside me.  I knew I could never be the same but maybe.  I guess I have a hard time connecting to Ellen DeGeneres because she's such a historical figure, and my dad isn't from the South.  With Britney Spears, I simply wasn't the one.  I saw a girl from New Orleans who moved to L.A. on IMDb from a long time ago.  I connected with her.  People in Florida don't listen to me, but I like it when I go by them and sometimes they notice me.  I didn't want them to, but they do.