I was wondering about the dilemma of kids with parents born in the South and the North. Also, what about L.A., isn't it both? I can't see categorizing New Orleans and Pennsylvania. I can't see categorizing it automatically with L.A.
I understand Florida has a lot of old people and families from the Northeast. I know of a total of well over 13 people from areas like that, other than places like the Midwest and L.A., basically, as well as knowing well people from the dead Northeast who aren't from Florida. I don't know anyone well with parents from Florida. There was this one girl who might be or maybe 2. They were really nice but a bit metallic flesh-wise. I can think of another girl now, and it's kinda the same.
People from L.A. are shy yet have a very strong presence, I've found.
So, there are a lot of families in Florida with parents without a background from Florida, but then again there are and I know they're very serious. They seem kinda like they've melted, though. They are accepted for their booty.
Morally, you'd say me having my background I'd be pretty good as a Floridian, being born here. My mom is Chinese-Indonesian. My aunt is a little crazy and has a daughter but isn't married. She is a young adult, now. I think she got crazy when she was born. I found out she was Italian and comes from a poor family but has a polite yet disagreeable dad, maybe a bit risky for people not from a high standing place. My experience was that it didn't really make good sense, but I think anyone would know that but try not to think about it. He didn't look Italian. His last name is supposedly Italian, but maybe it's not. Maybe, Florida isn't that Italian... My cousin never knew him. I'm not sure why I spent so much of this blog talking about him... :|
I had a friend from San Fransisco when I lived in the New Orleans area. She was really big, a year older, ended up working for Disney in the College program maybe even 2 years. They were poor, and her parents were separated. Her mom had 2 jobs. They had a lot of animals. We were allowed to get a pet, finally, when we moved to the New Orleans area, but, by that time, I didn't beg for one...
So, I understand Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are from L.A. and Florida. They think because they're famous they can be mean to others who aren't all white.
So, my cousin is considered from Florida, I think, and has good connections through her social mom with relatives. I don't really know anyone whose parents moved here right when they were born, maybe my other aunt's husband, not sure if he's the oldest but don't think so...
I guess it's about the connection. I don't like rub my dad's connection with me like that in people's faces.
I'm very mad that people are beginning to distrust me because of their racism for me online.
So, anyway, you are nice to someone from Europe in connection to Florida and L.A. You are nice to someone who lives in Europe with a dad from the U.S. 8|
A funny thing happened to me when I got to my 3rd year of high school. I fasted and got into a hard history class that they said we had to take at our 3rd year and not before but probably after being okay... My friend did it the year before, and there were lots of kids asking questions in class. I didn't get any of the lecture and just didn't feel like reading it. In fact, I had not read a piece of history since age 11.
So, I found that if you sleep and don't skip meals, it will keep your metabolism going. The best time to not eat is when you're busy or relaxing. However, I just posted I had a snack when I woke up. Then, I stayed up and had breakfast. I got mad and bothered, though, I think, not sure, though. I'm bothered, now. Like, yesterday, my legs were a blimp flabbing. I've been having bacon and French toast for breakfast, bacon that's not that cooked ... and syrup on the French toast. Now, my legs are rubbery. I finally did some core workouts and need to do more soon. I took a break because my stomach was tight. Look on YouTube for free workout stations and just add situps, I guess. :| I have a nice video by Jillian Michaels, too, but it's not like out of the blue or something in a way.
So, I don't have anyone to compare to with where I'm from. People just say, oh your dad's from Pennsylvania and Southwestern New York State. I guess it makes people up north really mad they didn't move here. They were supposed to, really, before their kids were born. I go about Florida and get along and am even considered rather native to the area. Well, I guess I can connect to people from Florida, but it's kinda about connecting to your parents. I kinda like to be my own person. I guess you just have to ask me about my experiences in the world. I mean, I guess you like my parents, like to use them against me. I remember we thought we had a good culture but realized that we were like next in line but not as good as the Northeast. I think it was about how fair your mom was. My mom wasn't dark for her race, but she wasn't pasty. I think she was light tan. She's feminine and not like dilapidated. So, people in Florida are about how European they are. I used to walk around Southeastern Florida with my mom at night and in the day. My dad talked to me as a kid, too. I fail to see what is like so different about Lily Rose. It's more about not putting on a front at certain times. Nell Burton must be special, really. You know, I don't agree with denying what I've learned that doesn't have to do with more suburban areas. It's not always about doing unnecessary favors for others, and it's about slowing down and doing what's easiest. It's about family, too, and private time. I just have a window to the world. I like passing my parents in the hall every few days. I know my parents are mad I think about people who are nice to me but then don't like finish it off or are seldom personable to me because maybe I'm stand-off-ish. They keep this in. If Nell Burton lived in L.A., things would be different for her. She seems to have high self-esteem for being Jewish in how people hate Chinese. I just grew up denied being like Pennsylvania. I don't really have anything but my travels and varied heritage. I'm pretty Floridian, but my parents aren't from Florida. I don't know why you wouldn't be if you're from here.