So, why were we like knocked out to take life carelessly, like to read illegal books online, listen to free music. Not know about copyright laws in music and lose opportunities.
Buy store cars. Mess up online, delete pictures just because we think there'll be more like it. Get aggressive with racist people who knew you well. Lose everyone you knew because of some mistake you did, something you did that upset your parents and made those around you uncomfortable, the same, probably...
Not use money how you need. Do activities that don't really work out and are just there as filler.
Be tricked into doing too many courses in college, like you're not good enough doing just one thing but maybe it's possible to start another.
It seems these things all stuck with me. They only got worse as I did things online, and I don't know why. I know I had problems with those around me. It was more the way other people treated me, I thought, when good things happened to me because I wasn't perfect and people were really mean to me and didn't care and it really affected me and then I couldn't let go. People didn't want me to. No one will admit it, and no one cares. That's pretty messed up.
Please don't get mad at me for cursing on my blog. I did happen to be able to mark it as adult content and, anyway, chose that. As long as it's legal. I don't really curse.